To obtain support please email your question to the email address above including:
- your FRED license number. You can find this from Help -> License Authorization. If you’re unsure where to find your license number please screenshot the dialogue and include it with your email.
- where possible, a FRED file that demonstrates the issue. To help us understand the issue more quickly it is helpful if the file is stripped down to the bare minimum complexity needed to discuss / show the issue.
Note that any files shared with us must not be subject to export controls or NDA’s of any kind.
- a detailed description with screenshots as necessary to explain the issue and guide us where to look or how to recreate your results.
Where we find we cannot address an issue by email then we will offer a call back or Teams meeting, but all support requests must start via email.
Note that technical support is staffed internationally. Whilst we treat all files received in confidence, you should not send files that are commercially sensitive or subject to export controls of any kind. Where the original file cannot be shared, please recreate the issue in one of FRED’s many sample files or create your own ‘toy’ model and share that instead.
We aim to answer email questions within two business days and often do so much sooner. Questions sent to support will receive an automated acknowledgement, if you do not receive this please check your spam folders and be sure to add our domain ( to your safe senders list.