FRED Knowledge Base

Ray Filtering

Ray filters provide a method for sorting through rays in the ray buffer and establishing a set of criteria which must be met in order for a ray to be included in the operation being performed.  Understanding how ray filters work is critical for verifying...

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Tabulated BSDF Data

In FRED, tabulated BSDF data can be applied in two ways: Direct import of a properly formatted data file as a scatter model, or Use of the BSDF Data Fitting Utility to generate an appropriate functional model Tabulated BSDF Data ...

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FRED v9.70 Released

Photon Engineering is proud to announce that FRED v9.70 is officially released for download. Major upgrades to this release include: 64-bit architecture [FRED Optimum only] Enhanced BASIC scripting language interactive development environment Source power unit specification in explicit photometric or radiometric units New photometric analyses...

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